23 Black Mountain Road
Jackson, New Hampshire 03846
. . .keeping the past alive
Thanks to a grant from the N.H. State Council on the Arts conservators from Curtains Without Borders, a non-profit from Vermont, worked to restore a theater curtain that is 124 years old. The restoration work on the 19½-by-8½-foot, muslin curtain was done from June 19 through June 21 in the main room of the Jackson Historical Society (JHS) by director Christine Hadsel of Burlington, Vermont., conservator Carolyn Frisa of Bellows Falls, Vermont., and assistant Mary Richardson of Maidstone, Vermont from Curtains Without Borders. The curtain had been the backdrop for town meetings until meetings were moved to the Whitney Community Center in 2009. It was also used for school productions by the Jackson Grammar School prior to the construction of the Whitney Center.