honeymoon bridge

Jackson Historical Society

23 Black Mountain Road
Jackson, New Hampshire 03846

. . .keeping the past alive

Permanent Exhibits

Autumn in the White Mountains, Painting by Erik Koeppel

The Historical Society owns the Largest Piece of White Mountain Art by Eric Koeppel. Commissioned by the JHS in 2019, and featuring the grandeur of Mt. Adams, this 78 x 135 inch painting by Jackson resident and well-known artist, Eric Koeppel, covers one wall of the Society. In fact, a large hole was cut into the side of the building to get the finished piece inside as door wasn’t big enough. Look carefully to notice the chipmunk, birds, campfire, and more.

Early Women Artists of the White Mountains

Located on the upper floor of the Society, this exhibit highlights the work of early female artists. Often overshadowed by male painters, this exhibit and program (archived) show the significant contribution these women made to the collection of White Mountain art. Learn more through the show catalog, which is available for sale.

Missing Mansions

While Jackson still boasts several homes that are over 200 years old, many of the early homes and hotels have disappeared. This exhibit features storyboards of three homes and four hotels that are lost, bringing them back through pictures and stories.

Past Exhibit

Early Jackson Families and Their Homes

Early Jackson residents and the homes they lived in are introduced to you through an assortment of vintage photographs. The Fernald, Moody, Davis, Wentworth, Dearborn, Elkins, and Trickey families are illustrated along with their homes – the Davis Farm, Moody Farm, Brookbank, Overlook, Wentworth Inn, and Wentworth Castle. Many of these featured residents were born in Jackson in the 1800s and are buried in the Jackson Village Cemetery! Visit our exhibit and root yourself deeper in the history of Jackson.