honeymoon bridge

Jackson Historical Society

23 Black Mountain Road
Jackson, New Hampshire 03846

. . .keeping the past alive


April 2024 storm

Capital Campaign

The Historical Society plans to RESCUE the historic Town Hall, which is wedged between the Wildcat River and Black Mountain Road and is threatened by both. The river has gone under the building, destroying the furnace and eroding the nearby riverbank. Snow is plowed against the road and has damaged the clapboards. The foundation is unstable.

Once moved, the plans are to RENOVATE and RESTORE the building by restoring the original windows, repairing siding and the stamped tin ceiling, improving handicap access, painting the building, and adding an indoor bathroom.

Your help in the form of a donation or pledge will enable the Historical Society to complete this mission, ensuring that this iconic building in the center of Jackson will remain standing for many years to come. We hope you will join us by donating or making a pledge. Work on the project will begin in the spring of 2025. We ask that pledges be paid by Match 31, 2025. Will you please help with a donation today?


Wedged between river and road