23 Black Mountain Road
Jackson, New Hampshire 03846
. . .keeping the past alive
The Town Hall has been a centerpiece in Jackson Village for 145 years. Now, climate related storm events are threatening the building. Flooding from the Wildcat River during recent storms, has caused severe bank erosion, undermined the foundation, and destroyed the furnace. On the roadside stormwater runoff and plowed snow piles have degraded the foundation and damaged the sill and clapboards.
Since 2009, the Jackson Historical Society (JHS) has leased the building from the town of Jackson, transforming and stewarding it into the well-known Museum of White Mountain Art and keeper of Jackson’s long, rich heritage. This proud sentinel is a contributing structure of the Jackson Falls National Register Historic District. Given its significance, the JHS wants to rescue, restore and renovate this historic building.
The Society, dedicated to curating Jackson’s history, wants this important building to continue serving residents and visitors of one of the most beautiful towns in the White Mountains, long into the future.
The Town Hall building needs your help!
The Jackson Historical Society is undertaking a Capital Campaign to raise $925,000 to:
RESCUE the Old Town Hall by relocating the building
RESTORE the historic elements and features
RENOVATE to improve the building’s services and function
We invite you to join us in this mission by making a donation to help save the Town Hall.
To donate to our capital campaign fill out this donation form