honeymoon bridge

Jackson Historical Society

23 Black Mountain Road
Jackson, New Hampshire 03846

. . .keeping the past alive

Welcome to Our Store

The Historical Society has several items for sale to generate funds for the Society and to chronicle the history of Jackson. To place your order, submit your request with payment to PO Box 8, Jackson, NH 03846 - or stop by the Society.
Please add $5.00 postage for each item shipped. Shipping for History of Jackson, New Hampshire, 1771-1940 is $10.00.
For cash or check payments, you can find the order form here. You can also pay by credit card using this form.

Brush and Pen: Artists and Writers of the White Mountains

This documentary DVD shown on NH and VT public television was produced by emmy-award winner Andrea Melville. This special edition includes a segment filmed at the Bartlett school showing art teacher June McLeavey using 19th century art as a tool in the classroom.

brush and pen

Early Women Artists in the White Mountains

Catalog for the permanent exhibit added in 2021 of women artists who painted in the White Mountains from the mid-19th to mid-20th century. The catalog includes biographies of 14 women and 20 paintings by them.

early women

The Oldest Houses in Jackson

This book by Alice Warwick Pepper tells about the 26 oldest houses in Jackson still in existence and built prior to 1860. Alice provides construction details and interesting stories of the original owners. There are "then and now" photographs of 23 of the houses and maps showing their locations.


History of Jackson, New Hampshire, 1771-1940

This book by Alice Warwick Pepper is a new issue of A History of Jackson, 1771-1865, first published by the Jackson Historical Society in 2008 (Part One), combined with an extension of Jackson's story from 1865 to 1940 (Part Two). It is profusely illustrated with historic photographs and maps. A bibliography and index are included in the newly printed edition.
$65.00--hardcover, $45.00--soft-cover copy.

Jackson history

Yesterdays - Lodging Places of Jackson and Their Recipes

This hard cover book, profusely illustrated, provides the histories of twenty-four early lodging places in Jackson, eight of which are still in business. There are dozens of recipes, cooking tips and old-time remedies along with stories about the owners. It is reprinted from Margaret Garland's work from 1978.


Jackson Reminiscences

This reprint of the 1974 original was reviewed in the New York Times, which opened with "If you are lucky enough to find a copy of Reminiscences of Jackson 1900-1950, [this is] a remarkable oral history of the New Hampshire village compiled by sixth graders...". Twenty-five elder citizens were interviewed to capture their memories of people and events during the first half of hte 20th century. It is well illustrated with photographs of hte participants.

Jackson stories

Letters to my Grandchildren

This series of charming letters written by Doris Fernald Cotton of her memories of growing up in Jackson was compiled by her daughter, Alice Warwick Pepper. Doris was born in Jackson in 1906 and died in 2004, at the age of 98.

Jackson stories

A History of Jackson, Part One 1771 - 1865

The Village of Jackson is now known worldwide as a year-round resort area. It has not always been this way and this book chronicles the earliest years, from the first settlers in 1775 through the end of the Civil War in 1865. It provides an account of the progress and changes that have occurred. Although early life was extremely hard, most of the first families stayed to overcome the adversities they faced and build a home for their families. Jackson became a very close-knit community and with so many descendants of these families still living in town, there is a pride in community that is a large part of the character of the town.

Jackson history